Graduate Student Awards & Publications

Recent Graduate Student Publications
Comi, Matt, Katharine Legun and Mark Vicol. 2022. “New aesthetic regimes: the shifting global political ecology of aroma hops.” Geoforum.
Kendrick, Sam and Nancy Kepple. 2022. "Scripting Sex in Courtship: Predicting Genital Contact in Date Outcomes." Sexuality and Culture.
Comi, Matt. 2021. “Seeds, chemicals, and stuff: The agency of things in (un)just agriculture regimes” in Environmental Justice in the Anthropocene. Ed. Melinda Laituri, Stacia Ryder, Kathryn Powlen. Routledge.
Erickson, Matt and ChangHwan Kim. 2021. "Tied Staying on the Rise? Declining Migration among Co-Breadwinner Couples in the United States, 1990s to 2010s." Social Forces.
Comi, Matt, and Ruth Stamper. 2021. "Chicken noodle night: conviviality, resilience, and food at the Vinland Fair." Food, Culture & Society.
Comi, Matt. 2020. "Other agricultures of scale: Social and environmental insights from Yakima Valley hop growers." Journal of Rural Studies.
Kim, Andrew Taeho, ChangHwan Kim, Scott Tuttle, and Yurong Zhang. 2020. "COVID-19 and the decline in Asian American employment." Research in Social Stratification and Moblity.>
Comi, Matt, 2020. "The distributed farmer: rethinking US Midwestern precision agriculture techniques." Environmental Sociology.
Cooper, David, Brock Ternes, and James Ordner. 2020. "Grassroots resistance to energy project encroachment: Analyzing environmental mobilization against the Keystone XL Pipeline." Journal of Civil Society.
Adamson, Erin, and Cecilia Menjívar. 2020. "The Impact of Adjacent Laws on Implementing Violence Against Women Laws: Legal Violence in the Lives of Costa Rican Women." Law & Social Inquiry.
Oh, Byeongdon. 2019. "Broken Promise of College? New Educational Sorting Mechanisms for Intergenerational Association in the 21st Century. Social Science Research.
Altamura, Christopher. 2019. "The Sorrows of Modern Subjectivity: Capital, Infinity Disease, and Werther's Hysterical Neurosis." Fast Capitalism.
Lipsman, Jacob E. Forthcoming.“Local Knowledge and Democracy in Fisheries Management: A Case Study of Adaptation to the Anthropocene in Southeast Louisiana.” Ecology and Society.
Matlock, Adrianne Showalter, and Jacob Lipsman. 2019. “Mitigating Environmental Harm in Urban Planning: An Ecological Perspective.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. doi:10.1080/09640568.2019.1599327
Ohmsford, Dean. 2019. But I'm the Lucky One: A Narrative. In B. Slatton and C. Brailey (Eds.), Women and Inequality in the 21st Century. Routledge.
Comi, Matt. Forthcoming. “Participatory research in more than human worlds.” Book Review. Agriculture and Human Values.
Comi, Matt. 2019. “‘The Right Hybrid for Every Acre’: Assembling the Social Worlds of Corn and Soy Seed-Selling in Conventional Agricultural Techniques.” Sociologia Ruralis.
Comi, Matt. 2018. “Rethinking control: Complexity in agri-environmental governance research” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
Kudos: Graduate Student Awards, Grants, & Honors
Heeyoun Shin. FY2025 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Research Excellence Initiative Graduate Student Grant Writing Incentive Fund.
Qixin Pan. 2024 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Outstanding MA Thesis Award.
Yurong Zhang. 2024 KU Graduate Studies Summer Research Scholarship.
Sam Kendrick. 2023 KU Graduate Studies Summer Research Scholarship.
John Kaiser. 2023 KU Carlin GTA Award.
Qixin Pan. 2022 MSS Three Minute Thesis Competition, second place.
Matt Erickson. 2021 IPUMS CPS Research Award.
Jennifer Babitzke. 2022 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Outstanding MA Thesis Award.
Damilola Adepeju-Fashina. 2022 KU Graduate Studies Summer Research Scholarship.
Matt Erickson. 2022 KU Graduate Studies Summer Research Scholarship.
Damilola Adepeju-Fashina. 2022 University Women's Club Scholarship.
Heeyoun Shin. 2022 Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Foundation, Sherman and Irene Dreiseszun Scholarship.
Joelle Spotswood. 2021 KU Graduate Studies Argersinger Dissertation Award.
Jennifer Dueñas. 2021 KU Graduate Studies Summer Research Scholarship.
Kafayat Mahmoud. 2021 KU Graduate Studies Summer Research Scholarship.
Elyse Neumann. 2021-22 REI Graduate Student Grant-Writing Incentive Award.
Walter Goettlich. 2021-22 REI Social Justice Award.
Heeyoun Shin. 2021 Korea Labor Institute Paper Proposal Competition Award.
Jennifer Dueñas. 2019-20 KU Carlin GTA Award.
Alex Myers. 2019-20 KU Graduate Studies GTA Award.
Darcy Sullivan. 2020. National Council on Family Relationships, Families & Health Section, Outstanding Student and New Professional Poster Award.
David Cooper. 2020. KU Graduate Studies Summer Research Scholarship.
Sarah Smith. 2020. KU Graduate Studies Summer Research Scholarship.
Darcy Sullivan. 2020. Midwest Sociologists for Women in Society Graduate Student Paper Award.
Kafayat Mahmoud. 2020. Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Foundation, Sherman and Irene Dreiseszun Scholarship.
Matt Comi. 2020. NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant.
Erin Adamson, 2019. NSF Doctoral Disseration Improvement Grant.
Erin Adamson. 2019. KU Latin American Studies Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Scholarship.
Matt Comi. 2019. American Sociology Association (ASA): Robert Boguslaw Award for Technology and Humanism
(for the paper “‘The Right Hybrid for Every Acre’: Assembling the Social Worlds of Corn and Soy Seed-Selling in Conventional Agricultural Techniques.”)
Matt Comi. 2019. Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS): Alex McIntosh Prize for Graduate Student Paper (For the working paper: "‘Pure yeast cultures’: a social history of standard lager 1850-1910”)
Matt Comi. 2019. Institute for Policy and Social Research (IPSR) Doctoral Fellow
Kafayat Mahmoud. 2019. Gerontological Society of America Mentoring and Career Development Technical Assistance Workshop Junior Investigator Diversity Fellow Travel Award.
Kafayat Mahmoud. 2019. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar Doctoral Fellowship with Hall Center for the Humanities, Kansas African Studies Center, & Spencer Museum of Art.
Kafayat Mahmoud. 2019. Stephen McNown and Miriam McNown Memorial Scholarship, KU International Affairs.
Scott Tuttle. 2019. KU College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Research Excellence Initiative Graduate Student Grant Writing Fund.
Scott Tuttle. 2019. Institute for Policy and Social Research (IPSR) Doctoral Fellow
Recent Doctoral Student Job Placements
Matt Erickson, Survey Statistician, US Census Bureau, Population Division, Local Government Estimates and Processing
Kafayat Mahmoud, Postdoctoral Scholar, Boston University, Center for Innovation in Social Science
Andrew Kim, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Population Studies Center
Elyse Neumann, Assistant Professor, Winston-Salem State University, Department of Behavioral Sciences
Matt Comi, Koller Postdoctoral Fellow, National Farm Medicine Center at the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute
Assistant Professor, Utah Valley University, Department of Behavioral Sciences
Sarah Smith, Social Science Research Analyst, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General, Office of Evaluations and Inspections
Emily Morrow, Associate Professor, Kansas City Kansas Community College, Department of Sociology
Joelle Spotswood, Instructor, Fort Hays State University
Jacob Lipsman, Director of Impact Research and Analysis, LifeCity
Byeongdon Oh, Postdoctoral Fellow, Portland State University
Daniel Alvord, Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University, Department of Sociology
Andrea Gómez Cervantes, President's Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California Los Angeles, Department of Chicana & Chicano Studies, 2019-20
Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University, Department of Sociology
Lukas Szrot, Assistant Professor, Bemidji State University, Department of Sociology & Communication Studies
Brock Ternes, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Derek Wilson, Assistant Professor, Midland University, Luther College of Arts and Sciences, starting fall 2024
Sam Kendrick, Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Department of Sociology, starting fall 2024
Andrew Kim, Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Knoxville, Department of Sociology, starting fall 2024