ChangHwan Kim

- Professor
- Director of Graduate Studies
Contact Info
Personal Links
Biography —
Professor Kim is specialized in the areas of stratification, work and organizations, race and ethnicity, Asian American studies, Korea studies, and quantitative methodology. The common concern of his research is to contribute to the generation of the critical knowledge and information that will ultimately help policy makers to understand and eventually ameliorate the undesirable sources of increasing socioeconomic polarization in our society. Methodologically, he is interested in panel models and diverse statistical decompositions. His work appears, among others, in American Sociological Review, Annual Review of Sociology, Work and Occupations, Sociological Methods & Research and Korean Journal of Sociology.
Education —
Occupational Structure and Growing Wage Inequality in the United States, 1983-2002.
Research —
Stratification and Inequality
Labor Markets
Economic Sociology
Race and Ethnicity
Asian American Studies
Korea Studies
Research Methods and Statistics
Selected Publications —
- Forthcoming
- Kim, Andrew Taeho, Matt Erickson, Yurong Zhang, and ChangHwan Kim. "Who is the 'She' in the Pandemic 'She-cession'? Variation in COVID-19 Labor Market Outcomes by Gender and Family Status." Population Research and Policy Review.
- Erickson, Matt and ChangHwan Kim. "Tied Staying on the Rise? Declining Migration Among Co-Breadwinner Couples in the United States, 1990s to 2010s." Social Forces.
- Kim, ChangHwan and Byeongdon Oh. "Taste-based Gender Discrimination in South Korea." Social Science Research. 102671.
- 2021
- Kim, Andrew Taeho, ChangHwan Kim, Scott E. Tuttle, and Yurong Zhang. "COVID-19 and the Decline in Asian American Employment." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 71: 100563.
(Media Coverage: Lawrence Journal World; Donga Science; Business Insider)
- Kim, Andrew Taeho, ChangHwan Kim, Scott E. Tuttle, and Yurong Zhang. "COVID-19 and the Decline in Asian American Employment." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 71: 100563.
- 2020
- Kim, ChangHwan, Jibum Kim, and Mihee Ban. "Do You Know What You Do for a Living? Occupational Coding Mismatches Between Coders in the Korean General Social Survey." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 70: 100467.
- Sakamoto, Arthur, ChangHwan Kim, and Christopher R. Tamborini. "Changes in Occupations, Jobs, and Skill Polarization." Pp. 133-153 in The Cambridge Handbook of the Changing Nature of Work, edited by Briand J. Hoffman, Mindy K. Shoss, and Lauren A. Wegman, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Tamborini, Christopher R. and ChangHwan Kim. "Are You Saving for Retirement? Racial-ethnic Differentials in Retirement Savings Plan Participation." Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 75(4): 837-848.
- Oh, Byeongdon and ChangHwan Kim. "Broken Promise of College? New Educational Sorting Mechanisms for Intergenerational Association in the 21st Century." Social Science Research 86. Article 102375
(Media Coverage: Inside Higher Ed; TUN)
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
- 2019. The Byron A. Alexander Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award, University of Kansas.
- 2019. Poster Presentation Winner, Population Association of America.
- 2018-2019. General Faculty Research Fund, University of Kansas. "Changing Educational Marital Pattern and Family Economic Well-being." ($10,304)
- 2018-2019. National Science Foundation (# 1801820). Byeongdon Oh's Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant: "Why Has the Meritocratic Power of Advanced Degrees Declined?: The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Upward Mobility." ($12,000)
- 2018-2020. The National Research Foundation of Korea. Co-PI (PI: Young-mi Kim, Co-PI: ChangHwan Kim, Bong-oh Kye, Yoon Choi, Sungjae Hwang, and Hae Yeon Choo) "Inequality and Demographic Changes." ($256,000 = 281.6 million Korean won)