Sociology Major Course Requirements

BA in Sociology Requirements
- Completion of two courses of collegiate-level writing instruction. Students who test out of Composition will still need to complete ENGL 102 (or equivalent) and one additional Goal 2.1 course.
- MATH 101 is a prerequisite for SOC 380, which is a required course for the Sociology Major.
- Up to 3 hours of hours of SOC 490 or SOC 698, and 6 hours of SOC 499 are allowed to count toward the major.
Please note:
- All students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are required to complete 120 total hours of which 45 hours must be at the Jr/Sr (300+) level.
- The same course cannot be used to fulfill more than one KU Core Goal.
- Overlap of a KU Core course with a major or degree-specific requirement is allowed. Overlapping is recommended to allow more opportunities to explore other majors and/or minors.
BGS in Sociology Requirements
- MATH 101 is a prerequisite for SOC 380, which is a required course for the Sociology Major.
- Completion of the requirements of a single BGS major AND a secondary field of academic study (a second major, co-major, or minor).
- Up to 3 hours of hours of SOC 490 or SOC 698, and 6 hours of SOC 499 are allowed to count toward the major.
- Check the KU Core website to see which Sociology electives fulfill this goal. If a Sociology elective already taken is being used to fulfill this Core Goal, an alternate elective course will need to be taken to fulfill your total hours requirement.
Please note:
- All students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are required to complete 120 total hours of which 45 hours must be at the Jr/Sr (300+) level.
- The same course cannot be used to fulfill more than one KU Core Goal. However, overlap of a KU Core course with a major or degree-specific requirement is allowed. Overlapping is recommended to allow more opportunities to explore other majors and/or minors.

Earn a Research Experience Certification
If you enjoy research, you should consider this certification. The only additional requirement is to participate in an actual research project, either by working with a faculty member on their research or by doing your own project under faculty supervision.Interested? Speak with the Center for Undergraduate Research or an advisor to get started.