Argun Saatcioglu

- Professor
- Director, Center for Research on Education and Work
Contact Info
Fraser Hall, Room 751
1415 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
1415 Jayhawk Blvd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
Ph.D. (2007) Case Western Reserve University.
Research —
Sociology of education and education policy; sociology of organizations, occupations, and work; science, technology, and society; quantitative methods.
Selected Publications —
Saatcioglu, A., Snethen, A. (2023). Preference Compromise and Parent Satisfaction With Schools in Choice Markets: Evidence From Kansas City, Missouri. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis - Issue 3 | Volume 45.
Perry, L., Saatcioglu, A., Mickelson, R. (2022). Does school SES matter less for high-performing students than for their lower-performing peers? A quantile regression analysis of PISA 2018 Australia. Large-scale Assessments in Education - Issue 1 | Volume 10.
Quintana, R., Saatcioglu, A. (2022). The Long-Lasting Effects of Schooling: Estimating the Effects of Science and Math Identity in High School on College and Career Outcomes in STEM. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World - Volume 8.
Saatcioglu, A., Skrtic, T., Kingston, N. (2021). High‐Stakes Accountability in Social and Political Context: Skill Gains and Losses in the No Child Left Behind Era. Sociological Inquiry - Issue 1 | Volume 91.
Saatcioglu, A., Skrtic, T. (2019). Categorization by Organizations: Manipulation of Disability Categories in a Racially Desegregated School District. The American Journal of Sociology - Issue 1 | Volume 125.
Saatcioglu, A., Skrtic, T. (2019). Categorization by Organizations: Race, Manipulation of Mild Disability Categories in a Racially Desegregated School District. American Journal of Sociology - Volume 125.
Shannon, E., Saatcioglu, A. (2018). School Characteristics and Teacher Policy Influence: Evidence From New York City. Educational Policy - Issue 7 | Volume 32.
Atalmis, E., Yilmaz, M., Saatcioglu, A. (2016). How does private tutoring mediate the effects of socio-economic status on mathematics performance? Evidence from Turkey. Policy Futures in Education - Issue 8 | Volume 14.
Saatcioglu, A., Skrtic, T. (2016). The Use of Test Accommodations as a Gaming Strategy: A State-Level Exploration of Potential Gaming Tendencies in the 2007-2009 Period and Implications for Re-directing Research on Gaming through Test Accommodations. Teachers College Record - Volume 118.
Saatcioglu, A. (2015). School Boards in Their Environment: Balancing Brokerage and Closure. Improving School Board Effectiveness. Harvard Education Pr. [9781612508771].
Darby, D., Saatcioglu, A. (2015). Race, inequality of opportunity, and school choice. Theory and Research in Education - Issue 1 | Volume 13.
Saatcioglu, A. (2015). Did the Coleman Report Underestimate the Effect of Economic Status on Educational Outcomes?. Teachers College Record.
Rury, J., Saatcioglu, A. (2015). Did the Coleman Report Underestimate Poverty and Economic Status?. Teachers College Record.
Rury, J., Saatcioglu, A. (2015). Opportunity Hoarding. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism.
Amdurer, E., Boyatzis, R., Saatcioglu, A., Smith, M., Taylor, S. (2014). Long term impact of emotional, social and cognitive intelligence competencies and GMAT on career and life satisfaction and career success. Frontiers in Psychology - Volume 5.
Saatcioglu, A., Sargut, G. (2014). Sociology of School Boards: A Social Capital Perspective. Sociological Inquiry - Issue 1 | Volume 84.
Darby, D., Saatcioglu, A. (2014). RACE, JUSTICE, AND DESEGREGATION 1. Du Bois Review- Social Science Research on Race - Issue 1 | Volume 11.
Saatcioglu, A., Rury, J. (2012). Education and the Changing Metropolitan Organization of Inequality: A Multilevel Analysis of Secondary Attainment in the United States, 1940–1980. Historical Methods - Issue 1 | Volume 45.
Kim, D., Saatcioglu, A., Neufeld, A. (2012). College Departure: Exploring Multiple Mobility Patterns and the Implications of Financial Assistance. Journal of Student Financial Aid - Volume 42.
Rury, J., Saatcioglu, A. (2011). Suburban Advantage: Opportunity Hoarding and Secondary Attainment in the Postwar Metropolitan North. American Journal of Education - Issue 3 | Volume 117.
Saatcioglu, A., Carl, J. (2011). The Discursive Turn in School Desegregation: National Patterns and a Case Analysis of Cleveland, 1973-1998. Social Science History - Issue 1 | Volume 35.
Saatcioglu, A., Carl, J. (2011). The Discursive Turn in School Desegregation: National Patterns and a Case Analysis of Cleveland, 1973–1998. Social Science History - Issue 1 | Volume 35.
Saatcioglu, A., Bajaj, A., Schumacher, M. (2011). Parental Expectations and Satisfaction with Charter Schools—Evidence from a Midwestern School District. Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy - Volume 10.
Saatcioglu, A., Moore, S., Sargut, G., Bajaj, A. (2011). The Role of School Board Social Capital in District Governance: Examining Effects on Financial and Academic Outcomes in the NCLB Era. Leadership and Policy in Schools - Volume 10.
Rury, J., Saatcioglu, A., Skorupski, W. (2010). Expanding Secondary Attainment in the United States, 1940–80: A Fixed-Effects Panel Regression Model. Historical Methods - Issue 3 | Volume 43.
Saatcioglu, A. (2010). Disentangling School- and Student-Level Effects of Desegregation and Resegregation on the Dropout Problem in Urban High Schools. Teachers College Record - Volume 112.
Boyatzis, R., Saatcioglu, A. (2008). A 20-Year View of Trying to Develop Emotional, Social and Cognitive Intelligence Competencies in Graduate Education. Journal of Management Development - Volume 27.
Vandenbosch, B., Saatcioglu, A., Fay, S. (2006). Idea Management: A Systemic View*. Journal of Management Studies - Issue 2 | Volume 43.
Neilsen, E., Winter, M., Saatcioglu, A. (2005). Building a Learning Community by Aligning Cognition and Affect within and Across Members. Journal of Management Education - Issue 2 | Volume 29.
Srivastva, S., Saatcioglu, A., Srivastva, S., Cooperrider, D. (1998). An Epilogue: An Invitation to Future Dialogue. S. Srivastva, D.L. Cooperrider (Eds.). Organizational Wisdom and Courage. (pp. 254-283). The New Lexington Press.