Undergraduate Studies Updates

Undergraduate Studies Committee and Advising
Members of the Undergraduate Studies Committee for 2022-2023 were Tracey LaPierre (Director), Liz Felix, Kevin McCannon, Kelly Sharron, Paul Stock, Fithawee Tzeggai, and Lisa-Marie Wright. Matt Bettencourt served as graduate student representative.
There has been a lot of change with a shift in academic advising to a more centralized system through Jayhawk Academic Advising. Sociology is pleased to work with Shelly Mann as our liaison and have Morgan Duncan and Tiffany Campbell (online degree) as Undergraduate Academic Advisors for our programs.
The Undergraduate Studies Committee had a busy year responding to the KBOR General Education Realignment and the new University Degree Level Assessment requirements. To facilitate this process, Tracey LaPierre, Kevin McCannon, and Lisa-Marie Wright participated in the CTE Mapping and Assessment Planning Program, a year-long opportunity to work with CTE facilitators on learning outcomes, curriculum mapping, and assessment planning.
As part of their work on the Undergraduate Studies Committee, various members took the lead on special projects to strengthen and support the program: Liz Felix brought fresh eyes to our Sociology website, Kevin McCannon launched an Alumni survey that will provide valuable insights, Kelly Sharron revived the Sociology Club, building a sense of community among our undergraduates, Paul Stock is streamlining study abroad approvals, Fithawee Tzeggai worked to get the Sociology Scholarships included in the University of Kansas Scholarship Opportunities Portal, and Lisa-Marie Wright is interviewing alumni for a video panel to promote the major.
Undergraduate Recognition Ceremony
The Department was excited to hold our annual Undergraduate Recognition Ceremony in-person again this year. In total, approximately 80 faculty, graduates, AKD inductees, family, and friends gathered for a ceremony and refreshments honoring the notable achievements of our graduating majors and AKD inductees, including:
Candidates for Graduation with Distinction: Samantha Bower, Parker Ford, Madison Messenger, Simmi Rana, Maiya Schroeder, Hallie Steed
Candidate for Graduation with Highest Distinction: Dulani Hannadige
Undergraduate Awards
This year Parker Ford received the Distinguished Graduate Award.
Camden Baxter, Haley Bennewitz, Julia Fetters, and Jocelyn Pembleton were recognized with Sociology Rising Star Awards. We look forward to seeing them continue to shine as they complete their studies next year.
Undergraduate Scholarships
The Sociology Department is in its second year of its goal to offer $10,000 or more in scholarships and awards to undergraduate students for at least 4 years. This year 10 sociology majors were selected to receive scholarships:
Tyler Bridges
Grace Price-Brown
Parker Ford
Gracious Ford-Brownlee
Kameron Goff
Brandy Hadl
Haley Haldeman
Dulani Hannadige
Megan Long
Jakaila Morgan
These scholarships and awards are made possible by generous donations from our Alumni and other friends of Sociology. There were many deserving students who did not receive a scholarship this year that we would have liked to support. Please consider making a donation to the KU Endowment that is directed towards scholarships and awards for undergraduate sociology students. Even small donations add up and with scholarships coming from the interest earned on accounts the money you give today will continue to support our undergraduates for generations.