Alpha Kappa Delta

New Inductees
As the International Honor Society of Sociology, AKD seeks to acknowledge and promote excellence in scholarship in the study of social problems, sociology, and intellectual activities that lead to improvements in the human condition.
The Department of Sociology was pleased to cover the cost of membership for all qualified majors this year and 15 outstanding majors accepted the invitation and joined the Beta Chapter of Kansas.
Camden Baxter
Haley Bennewitz
Madeline Blake
McKenzie Carson
Gabriela Copeland
Parker Ford
Brandy Hadl
Kristen Hines
Maria Aliana Beatriz Idang
Carie Jarrard
Paxton Jones
Alex Kroenke
Kelsey Norkey
Simmi Rana
Evelyne Renard
The Beta Chapter also extended invitations to qualified minors this year and 11 passionate students accepted the invitation and were inducted.
Cole Alsup
Alexandra Biddison
Brian Bleil
Neleh Davis
Gabriella Fischer
Kate Kenison
Max Lillich
Sinjin Pharathikoune
Jada Saville
gigi snipes
Jansyn Townsend
MSS Travel Scholarships
The Beta Chapter of Kansas was awarded $1200 to support the travel of 5 graduate students who presented their research at the Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting:
Chris Altamura
Matt Bettencourt
Brenden Oliver
Anna Poudel
Derek Wilson