May 2022 SGSA Statement
Below is a statement from the Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA) regarding the acts of violence throughout the week of May 9, 2022.
The graduate students of the University of Kansas Sociology Department would like to express our deepest condolences to those lost in the shootings this past weekend. Several of these shootings appeared to be motivated by hate, racism, and replacement theory. Not only do we condemn these horrendous actions and loss of life, but also the motivations. We believe in an equitable society where individuals should not fear gun violence in their daily routines. We stand with Black Lives Matter, Stop AAPI Hate, and all marginalized racial identities that are targeted by violence and hate on a daily basis. We wish to express our support for all marginalized identities at the University of Kansas and beyond. We are committed to recognizing, combating, and abolishing hate in whatever form it takes. Injustice has no place in our society.
Please Take Care,
Sociology Graduate Student AssociationUniversity of Kansas
Published 2022